Deals API

Partner Documentation

A RESTful web-based API.

All API requests require authentication in order to identify you, which is achieved by way of a unique api_key. If you do not have a key, please contact us and we will create a partner account and generate your key.

When making API requests, simply pass your api_key as a URL parameter for GET requests or within the POST body, or as the value of the Authorization header.

Blank fields are included as null instead of being omitted.

All timestamps are returned in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ


Fetches a single deal including all associated data.

Parameter Value Type Default Description
api_key string Your unique API key used for authentication
external_id string The ID (primary key) of the deal record you wish to fetch
Ajax loader


Response headers

Response body


List all deals.

Parameter Value Type Default Description
api_key string Your unique API key used for authentication
external_ids array External ids that you wish to search for like for example [1,2,3] or "1,2,3"

per_page integer Results showed per page
page integer Page number
Ajax loader


Response headers

Response body


Deletes a single deal.

Parameter Value Type Default Description
api_key string Your unique API key used for authentication
external_id string The ID (primary key) of the deal record you wish to delete
Ajax loader


Response headers

Response body


Creates a single deal.

Parameter Value Type Default Description
api_key string Your unique API key used for authentication
external_id string

Unique id

title string


url string


publish_start date

Publish start (YYYY-MM-DD)

publish_end date

Publish end (YYYY-MM-DD)

price_min float

Limit results to deals whose price range starts at least at the given value.

cruise_line_id integer

Cruise line ID

Only applies to cruise deals

ship_id integer

Ship ID

Only applies to cruise deals

image_url string


custom_saving string


partner_name string

Override partner name

bookable_end date

Bookable end

travel_date_start date

Travel Date start

travel_date_end date

Travel Date end

geotags[origin] string or array

Origin/Embarkation Geotag(s) place(s) id(s).

We support an array of ids [ 1, 2, 3 ] or a string with ids separated by comma "1,2,3"

geotags[destination] string or array

Destination/Disembarkation Geotag(s) place(s) id(s).

We support an array of ids [ 1, 2, 3 ] or a string with ids separated by comma "1,2,3"

geotags[stopover] string or array

Port stop Geotag(s) place(s) id(s).

We support an array of ids [ 1, 2, 3 ] or a string with ids separated by comma "1,2,3"

Ajax loader


Response headers

Response body


List all places.

Parameter Value Type Default Description
api_key string Your unique API key used for authentication
ids integer Ids that you wish to search for like for example [1,2,3] or "1,2,3"

term string The term that you wish to search for like for example New York

filter string You can filter your term with following filters: country, state_province, city, multi_airport_city, airport, port, planet, planet_region, planet_subregion, country_region, contry_subregion, state_province_region, state_provinces_subregion, neighborhood
per_page integer Results showed per page
page integer Page number
Ajax loader


Response headers

Response body


List all ships.

Parameter Value Type Default Description
api_key string Your unique API key used for authentication
ids integer Ids that you wish to search for like for example [1,2,3] or "1,2,3"

term string Term that you wish to search for like for example Insignia

per_page integer Results showed per page
page integer Page number
Ajax loader


Response headers

Response body


List all cruise lines.

Parameter Value Type Default Description
api_key string Your unique API key used for authentication
ids integer Ids that you wish to search for like for example [1,2,3] or "1,2,3"

term string Term that you wish to search for like for example Seas

per_page integer Results showed per page
page integer Page number
Ajax loader


Response headers

Response body


Updates a single deal.

Parameter Value Type Default Description
api_key string Your unique API key used for authentication
external_id string

Unique id

title string


url string


publish_start date

Publish start (YYYY-MM-DD)

publish_end date

Publish end (YYYY-MM-DD)

price_min float

Limit results to deals whose price range starts at least at the given value.

cruise_line_id integer

Cruise line ID

Only applies to cruise deals

ship_id integer

Ship ID

Only applies to cruise deals

image_url string


custom_saving string


partner_name string

Override partner name

bookable_end date

Bookable end

travel_date_start date

Travel Date start

travel_date_end date

Travel Date end

geotags[origin] string or array

Origin/Embarkation Geotag(s) place(s) id(s).

We support an array of ids [ 1, 2, 3 ] or a string with ids separated by comma "1,2,3"

geotags[destination] string or array

Destination/Disembarkation Geotag(s) place(s) id(s).

We support an array of ids [ 1, 2, 3 ] or a string with ids separated by comma "1,2,3"

geotags[stopover] string or array

Port stop Geotag(s) place(s) id(s).

We support an array of ids [ 1, 2, 3 ] or a string with ids separated by comma "1,2,3"

Ajax loader


Response headers

Response body